Ni adalah kulit DVD unuk cite HMM di luar negara. Hampir semua komen yang diterima menyatakan ketidak puasan hati mereka terhadap filem kita. memang aku x nafikan, teknologi yang kita ada memang belum setanding dengan apa yang diorang ada, terutamanya Hollywood. Dan aku langsung tidak melatah dengan segala komen yang diberikan.
"I had been eagerly anticipating this movie, expecting something equivalent to 300. However despite having a pretty good storyline and premise to work from the film suffers from VERY poor acting, a weak script and below average fight sequences. Don't get me wrong it must have cost a few quid to make and doesn't look cheap but it has no real style to it, no visual impact. It's like watching a film version of the Hercules TV series but without the flair. Sorry, I would tend to avoid this one." - by markwilliamz.
"Oh boy, I thought I had plumbed the depths already, but this one goes down all the way to the bottom of the Phillipine trench, which is not so fay away from Malaysia where this utter dross was made. All sounded fairly promising. A film very loosely based on the 16th century Malay chronicles about a Roman prince who travels east to marry a Chinese princess of the Han dynasty. An East meets West historical extravaganza along the lines of Valerio Massimo Manfredi's book "Empire of the Dragons", or so I forlornly hoped. What I got was very different! I won't give any detailed synopsis, because I simply don't want to waste my time reviewing such utter rubbish. I wasted quite enough watching it! Lets just say everything about the film is dire. It was apparently Malaysia's second most expensive film ever. What a terrible waste of money. The acting is worse than that in my village panto. The plot is non existent. The action is about the worst I have ever seen, with special effects that beggar belief for all the wrong reasons. The fact that I watched this film to the end is testament to my stubborn streak, that merges seamlessly into stupidity. I have never watched a Malaysian film, and after this experience it is doubtful I will ever watch another. After watching a few decent films recently it was back to reality with a vengeance. Don't be fooled by the cover. As usual be guided by the Amazon star rating which is never too far away from the truth. It does not even fall into the Ed Wood "its so bad it has to be good" category. Just do yourself a favour and avoid wasting 107 minutes of your life. Surely this film deserves to sweep the honours at the Golden Turkey awards. This is a 21 carat doozy!" - by Bob Salter
Korang baca ke x komen diorang tu..?? Aku xnk highlight kan ape2, sbb aku sbnrnya xde la suka sgt ngan komen diorang tu. Tapi aku pasti, yang HMM hanyalah ujian pertama di mana KRU Studios ingin mencuba keupayaan studio baru mereka. Dan aku juga pasti yang mereka mampu untuk mengeluarkan filem yang lebih hebat lagi lepas ni setanding dengan filem2 Hollywood. Di samping itu, ini juga sebagai pengajaran kepada semua pengarah2 filem di negara kita ni supaya menghasilkan filem dengan lebih teliti. Bukan hanya filem tangkap muat sahaja. Adios...!!!
p/s: jadikan segala komen dan kritikan tu sebagai pemangkin untuk kita terus berusaha ke arah kegemilangan
HMM sudah berada di pentas dia sendiri !
ini sudah membanggakan rakyat Malaysia !
amek kritikan sebgai kritikan membina
walaupun kita masih jauh kalau nak dibandingkan dengan filem Hollywood tapi HMM telah membawa kita ke satu dimensi yang baru dalam penggunaan teknologi terkini.. tahniah buat KRU Studios dan semua yang terlibat dengan HMM ni..
ye ker??..biar r citer tu..
takde hal la tuh..hollywood da jauh..untung jeh malaysia ade yg nak naekkan industry filem negara mcm KRU tuh..^^
@KSP: tol tu... jdikan kritikan sebagai sesuatu yg membina..
@aizamia3: mmg betul. lgipun ini sesuatu yg masih baru lagi. Credit to KRU dgn usaha mereka
@hawiz: memang best jln citernye, tapi sbnrnye hasil kerja diorang belum cukup teliti lagi.. teknik CGI kt awl citer dh gempak, tapi kt akhir citer agak kureng...
sbnrnya aku sendiri x bper ske ngn filem ne. mula2 tgk aku pk best mcm filem lain.maksud aku filem yg ne rs mcm jauh sgt dr expectation aku.
tau dh letakkan expectation yg tggi kt movie ni, tp bile g, x smpi dgn expectation. tp overall ok je citer ni..
aku suka je cite ni..
harap kita akan terus maju n setanding dengan filem2 luar..
aku no komen
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